Blowing the Lid off of Lidge

June 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Fan News

It is painful to think of what could have been this weekend.

Tonight the Phillies could be going for their 10th straight win.  They could be going for a four-game sweep of the team with the best record in baseball on the road.

Instead, the Phillies have watched closer Brad Lidge blow two games in a row.  They come into their Sunday night match-up looking to end a two-game losing streak and with a three-game lead over the Mets instead of a five-game lead.  Questions now are popping up about whether or not the Phillies should make a change in the bullpen and let Ryan Madson close instead.

In Brad’s defense, Friday night’s game wasn’t entirely his fault.  Pedro Feliz booted a ball that he should not have.  If Feliz made that play, it’s game over.  On the other hand, last year, even after Feliz makes that error, Lidge finds a way to still get the save.  This season Lidge has had no room for error.

Six blown saves in 18 chances so far this season after a 41 for 41 regular season in 2008.

Is it time for a change?  Probably not a permanent one.  I think it wouldn’t hurt to let Madson close for a couple of weeks and let Lidge figure things out though.

Come playoff time, the Phillies need Romero, Madson, and Lidge at the end of the night shortening games like they did last year.  Two of the three is not good enough.

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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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