Chicago Cubs Fans, Do You Really Think Phillies Fans Will Let This Go?

August 13, 2009 by  
Filed under Fan News

I am not a Phillies fan and not a Cubs fan.

I am a Mets fan looking at one of the best pitchers in all time, Pedro Martinez, make his comeback start.

Not to take anything away from Pedro (he was amazing and made it look easy), but he did not end up the biggest part of the game for me.

In the fifth inning with the bases loaded and one out, Shane Victorino made a key catch while being doused with beer.

That made me angry. I know it is not all Cubs fans and that could have happened in Citi Field or Yankee Stadium. I bet there is even a Cardinal fan out there that could have done that.

So its not about the Cubs fans, but it is about the Cubs.

Why is it about the Cubs?

Because the Cubs are going to need to go to Citizens Bank Park again.

Maybe not this year, but I know Phillies fans are not going to let this go, and I think they shouldn’t.

And it may be this season, it looks like it may even be the NLDS. And the first game would be at Philadelphia.

The Cubs do not lead the central, but they are in the race with the Cardinals.

You’ve got to defend your players, and that may be part of our job as fans.

Phillies fans are the fans that I love to hate the most, and I know that they are not just regular fans.

All these Phillies fans are lovers of there team and will do what ever it takes to make their players safe.

Kind of like Red Sox Nation, just in Philadelphia.

The Phillies fans will not just shower the Cubs fans in beer next time the Cubs go on the road for a NL East trip through Philadelphia, they will shower the Cubs players like it’s their wedding night.

And I am not sure if it is only Phillies fans who are angry with this. I know I am very angry at the Cubs right now.

As I said before it is not their fault, but it does happen to be their fan at their home.

I would not do anything because I am a wimp and too young to drink beer at a baseball game. But I do hope other fans, even Mets fans, get back at the Cubs for doing this to the Phillies.

And baseball should not let this go, the commissioner should do something to the Cubs about it.

Maybe they should forfeit today’s game to make up for it, anything to make it so this never happens again.

I know that in some soccer games in Europe, if the home fans do crazy things they have the next game with no fans allowed in the stadium.

Ether way, this should not just pass with nothing happening about it. Baseball should do something.

Or the Phillies will.

Many of you will comment that I am being childish and that the Phillies fans will not do  anything about it. Well, I say you are half right.

I am being childish, but Phillies fans will do it.

It can even be done in the bottom of the eighth with the Phillies ether winning big time or losing big time. One fan that buys a $20 ticket in the pavilion deck.

So watch out Cubs fans—all it takes is one Phillies fan.

Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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