Deflating Some Of The Stephen Strasburg Hype

August 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Fan News

Last night, I heard about Jamie Moyer’s outstanding relief appearance when Pedro Martinez’s start was terminated after three innings because of a rain delay.

I’ve been a fan of Moyer’s sheer durability for a while. (And I love Pedro’s quote after the game: “You never know what you’re going to get when you put two old goats out there.”) I’m not as much a fan of Tim Wakefield, but it’s impressive to see him continue to suceed with his knuckler well into his 40s.

Meanwhile, like anyone paying any attention to professional baseball, I’d heard the hype about Steven Strasburg. I’m old enough to remember the days when Todd van Poppel was going to keep the A’s dynasty going, and Kerry Wood was going to outdo Roger Clemens and Nolan Ryan, and Ben McDonald was going to dominate the ’90s.

So, as a warning and corrective to all the Strasburg hype, here’s a list. It shows how many major league wins 13 pitchers, separated into two very different groups, have or did attain in their careers: 


Ben McDonald 78
Mark Prior: 42
Todd van Poppel: 40
Brien Taylor: 0
Matt White: 0
Jon Peters (the Texas high school pitching phenom who landed a Sports Illustrated cover in 1989): 0
Paul Wilson: 40
Bryan Bullington: 0
Matt Anderson: 15
Kris Benson: 69
Kerry Wood: 79

Total Wins: 363
Wins Per Pitcher: 33


Jamie Moyer: 257
Tim Wakefield: 189

Total Wins: 446
Wins Per Pitcher: 223



Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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