New York Yankees Rain on Pedro Martinez’s Parade: Who’s Daddy Now?

October 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Fan News

In case you’re wondering, “Who’s Your Daddy!” chants rained down in a hurry on a villain still wearing Jheri curls and bearing frightening fastballs. His return to New York wasn’t too lenient, including an unbearable crowd that had waited to avenge cruel remarks that dated back to the days when Pedro Martinez faced the New York Yankees as a member of the archrival Red Sox.


In Game Two of the 2009 World Series, attention turned immediately to Martinez as rebellious media personnel dwelled on animosity that developed when he derived fame pitching for Boston. More than anything, in a much-maligned rivalry, Martinez articulated antipathy, which initiated buzz entering the second game of a series written in epic proportion.


He was definitely anxious to beat the much-scrutinized organization. Trust me, it makes sense, if spectators will remember the abrasive chants that impetuous Yankees’ fans originated, then it’s understandable. Late in the 2004 regular season, repugnant drama intensified a chaotic rivalry as continuous disasters escalated between the Yankees and Pedro.


Does that mean last night’s game was more Phillies vs. Yankees or Pedro vs. Yankees? I insist that Game Two, in general, more strictly revolved around Pedro vs. Yankees.


He’ll feel bitterness towards the Yankees for the reminder of his career, and whenever he faces the pinstripes in pitching duels. To this day, Martinez hasn’t yet shaken off his resentful emotions, still seeking an epic performance to deprive and send the Yankees into monstrous spending collapse.


If Pedro amazingly pitches to the Yankees in a pivotal Game Seven, illusions suddenly become a reality. He’d definitely be empowered, and a valuable arm relied upon to force New York to self-destruct. Just like that, an embattled organization would be considered a failure, literally squandering $432.5 million on three high-profile players.


By now, ideas are formulating in Pedro’s mind, wondering if he could have another shot at suffocating the Yankees.


Mostly in New York, a large percentage of the populace despises Pedro and holds grudges. From most people’s perspectives he’s a villainous, arrogant jerk, when in fairness, a perturbed crowd provoked additional troubles, fuming Martinez in the aftermath.


It’s almost proper to fault Yankees fans as much as Pedro, when, back in 2004, he was on the hook for a distasteful 11-1 loss and a humongous crowd chanted unpleasantly. That prompted the woeful Martinez to emphatically speak out, impetuously pronouncing, “I tip my cap and call the Yankees my Daddy.”


Ever since, issues have arisen, despite the fact that he has displayed superb pitching for much of his career, especially in big games where he’s usually flawless and unbeatable. Of course, seeking an advantage over an antagonist doesn’t oftentimes perpetuate as intended.


Sometimes a night isn’t an excellent one, but it is a typical night until late in the sixth inning. What occurred was that the Yankees’ star power knocked around Martinez, who gave up three runs.


Once Charlie Manuel summoned Martinez’s replacement, a rude and obnoxious chorus sounded as Martinez walked to the dugout and pointed skyward. Near the visitors’ dugout, he wore a sarcastic smirk mocking a bad-mannered crowd and eyed a return later in the series to avenge a 3-1 loss to the hated Yankees.


Playing for the Phillies doesn’t renew likability, but overshadows an impressive performance typical of Pedro in critical games. But he gave up a fourth-inning homer to Mark Teixiera, who broke out a slump when his at-bats were desperately needed to avoid a possible 0-2 skid starting the World Series.


Another player coming from out of nowhere was Hideki Matsui, depositing a home run and the craftiness that describes the Yankees as Bronx Bombers to rain on Pedro’s show, a widely watched showcase in the second game of the World Series.


But we should have turned our attention to A.J. Burnett. The Yankees couldn’t afford two consecutive losses, and were fortunate to tie the series at 1-1. It seems whichever club’s rotation lasts longest will win a title, and by far, the Phillies have an advantage.


The night before, Cliff Lee was a famous celebrity, but last night, it was Burnett earning all the glory. Anyone should when earning $82.5 million to revive pinstripes of failures in prior years. His pitching performance avenged memories of a gruesome outing against the Angels, now taking attention away from Pedro’s getting the start.


The formidable nights are downplayed. Nobody is dwelling on the foolish on-field melee of the past, which turned repulsive, revealing a sinful side of Martinez. To this day, everyone can explain in detail how badly he pushed 72-year-old Yankees bench coach Don Zimmer to the ground.


But now, everyone is talking about today’s issues. Pedro’s start against the Yankees drew publicity for previous episodes.


Technically, it only rained on Pedro’s parade. 





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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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