Carlos Ruiz Has Baby Chooch at Perfect Time

March 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Fan News

On March 2, 2011, Carlos Ruiz’s wife gave birth to his second son. Incredibly, the baby arrived nine months to the exact day of Roy Halladay’s perfect game.

Chooch has become a fan favorite amongst Philly fans because of his clutch hitting, defensive play and ability to call a game from behind the plate.

Carlos obviously thinks he has a good thing going as he named his first son Carlos Ruiz Jr. and his newest boy just Carlos Ruiz. Keep it simple, I like that.

Will Ruiz continue to name any future sons Carlos Ruiz? What will happen if he has a daughter? I guess Carlos Ruiz could work as a girl’s name? Why didn’t he name his newest boy Chooch? Couldn’t his middle-name have been Perfect?

There are far more questions than answers to this story, but I will try to give you the few answers that I have.

Here are 10 things that we can take away from this story:

1. Roy Halladay’s perfect game was arousing.

2. Chooch didn’t want a baseball or Roy Halladay’s cleats to commemorate one of the greatest pitching performances in Philadelphia history, he wanted another son.

3. Ruiz obviously thought he had more to do with the perfect game than Halladay, or the baby would have been called Roy.

4. Carlos Ruiz (the baby not the catcher) will be perfect in every way.

5. Carlos Ruiz (the baby not the catcher) will be wrapped in bubble-wrap to preserve his perfection and increase longevity.

6. Carlos Ruiz (the baby not the catcher) will be welcomed in Roy Halladay’s house at any time.

7. Roy Halladay is a little weirded out about the whole situation.

8. Cole Hamels, Roy Oswalt and Cliff Lee think this is a terrific story, and they couldn’t be happier for the Ruiz family.

9. No one asked Joe Blanton what he thought.

10. If Roy Halladay pitches a perfect game in the World Series, the entire Phillie’s roster will conceive a son that night and each shall be named Carlos Ruiz. 

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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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