2011 Philadelphia Phillies: How Well Do You Know the Team?

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Fan News

Opening Day (for the Philadelphia Phillies, anyway) is only eight days away!

I’ve been told that I can hardly contain my excitement, and I won’t disagree with that assessment.

In that regard, I don’t know if today’s 30 degree, rainy weather is getting me more or less geeked up for the April Fools’ Day opener.

The proximity of the regular-season baseball opener does have me staying up late posting the following Phillies quiz for all of you fans to enjoy.

And yes, some of these questions may be easy, but others may challenge you just a bit. And there are a few that may have you screaming: “Who gives a damn.” Or worse.

All of the questions are focused on current players, but down the line (and still in fair territory), I may unleash some questions that will test your expertise on Phillies history.

Please close your books, sharpen your pencil, and get to it.

There are a dozen questions, so each is worth eight points, for a subtotal of 96. If you either spell or say Antonio Bastardo correctly, award yourself an extra four.

Good luck, and feel free to post your score in the comments section.

Begin Slideshow

Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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