25 Most Eccentric Players in Philadelphia Phillies History

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Fan News

By some accounts, you have to have a few screws loose in the old dome if you’re going to play Major League Baseball, so there aren’t many “normal” players in the game. That influx of interesting personality has opened a door that leads to a Twilight Zone-like realm of screwy baseball players and, perhaps sadly, a lot of them have played for the Philadelphia Phillies.

In fact, looking back over their long history, would it be wrong to say that the Phillies have been the most eccentric franchise of all-time? After all, not only do they have some of baseball’s zaniest players, but they’ve had whole teams of guys who you could call, well, special.

In order to accurately describe the guys on this list, however, we’re going to need a reference point, and that reference point is going to be “eccentric,” which is defined as “unconventional and slightly strange.” If you ask me, I think that’s the perfect word to describe most of the Phillies’ history.

So now that we have found some common ground, let’s get to it. We’re taking a look at some of the most unconventional, slightly strange, wacky, zany, and just plain odd players the Phillies have ever had.

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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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