25 Scrappiest Philadelphia Phillies Players of All-Time

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Fan News

What in the world is a “scrappy” player?

Sort of sounds like a breakfast meat, though I assure you this slide show has absolutely nothing to do with scrapple. Then again, I suppose there is an analogy to be made here. Scrappy players have been traditionally labeled as guys full of heart and lacking talent, kind of like the same way scrapple is lacking the best parts of the pig.

Okay, enough with the scrapple comparisons.

Scrappy players, as far as baseball is concerned, have always been the guys who played the game stuck in full throttle. They may not have been the most talented, but every play involving them was hardcore. The run hard, throw hard, and look mean doing it.

I suppose a good motto for scrappy players would be, “By any means necessary.”

Scrappy players have always been viewed a bit differently in Philadelphia, however. While the rest of the baseball world considers them to be players who make up in heart what they lack in talent, fans of the Philadelphia Phillies believe that “scrappy” is more of a lifestyle.

The most talented player in the world could be booed right out of this city for a lack of hustle, but a scrappy player will hold the hearts of the fans for a lifetime and then some.

That’s why there is no limit on talent level on this list. Any player that wants to survive playing baseball in the city of Philadelphia will have to become a scrappy player in one way or another, and that will be reflected in the slide show.

In short, any player known for his hustle, determination, aggressiveness, or any other synonym of the word “scrappy” was eligible for this list.

For news, rumors, analysis, and game recaps during spring training, check out Greg’s blog: The Phillies Phactor!

Begin Slideshow

Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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