25 All-Time Players Who Truly Bled Phillies Red

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Fan News

You don’t get to see an abundant amount of loyalty in the game of baseball. Players don’t often finish their careers in the same place they began, and that’s especially true for today’s game, when players will often wind up playing for the highest bidder. 

So when you see a player spend all of—or even a majority of, nowadays—his career with a single club, it resonates with you. You associate that player with that club and often find yourself thinking, “Man. He was proud to fly that team’s flag.” 

The Philadelphia Phillies have had a few of those players—guys who were proud to wear that signature “P” on their cap and embrace the way the city of Philadelphia enjoyed its baseball. 

They understood what playing baseball in this city was all about: hard work and determination. The fans enjoy a “blue collar” style of baseball, but most importantly, value a player that wants to win. 

Now the question is simple: Who are they? Which players truly bled Phillies red? 

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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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