Philadelphia Phillies: 5 Worst Contracts in Phillies’ History

November 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Fan News

In the past 20 years, baseball contracts have exploded in length and dollars. When players become free agents, teams continue to shell out millions and millions of dollars to hitters who fail more times than they succeed and pitchers who only play once every five days.

Most of these bloated contracts for far too many years turn into nightmares and players are traded for guys you and I have never heard of. It’s all for a pipe dream that these individuals may exceed expectations and continue their success that earned them a contract for past triumphs. 

The Phillies have had their fair share of terrible contracts that have led them to eat millions of dollars. They’ve gone to players who have done nothing to earn the money that most people won’t see in working their entire lives. 

Get ready, because here are the five worst contracts in Phillies’ history.

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Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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