One New Year’s Resolution for Every Philadelphia Phillies Player in 2013

December 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Fan News

With the month of December roaring to a close and New Year’s Day so close that you can practically touch it, it’s that time once again—New Year’s resolutions. You know, those things that—after a careful examination of things you hate in 2012—you tell yourself you’re going to correct in 2013. Not ringing a bell? They normally last about a week. Or is that just me? 

Well, anyway, a New Year’s resolution is officially defined as a “commitment that an individual makes to a project or the reforming of a habit, often a lifestyle change, that is generally interpreted as advantageous.” If the Philadelphia Phillies want to be successful in a tough National League East in 2013, they’re going to have to make a bunch of resolutions. 

In the following slideshow, I’ll make one resolution for each player—something that they’re going to have to accomplish on an individual level to help the team. If this is a club dreaming of a World Series, they’ll make sure these resolutions don’t fall by the wayside.

Begin Slideshow

Article Source: Bleacher Report - Philadelphia Phillies

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